You just browsed through this webpage, wonder what this darting thing could be all about? Then this is the right book to start with.
Chris explains the basics of the game: A brief history, equipment, throwing techniques, dartboard setup, rules for a lot of games, practice hints, a dart glossary, and so on.
If you already have some experience in darts, then you won't need this book, but as an addition to your first home dartboard it's the perfect choice. You get your first collection of fun and interesting dart games to play, the playing rules of the American Darts Organization, a basic out shot chart, and if you start to like playing you will find addresses of dart magazines and ADO.
Again, not a book for the experienced, but a valuable source for absolute beginners.
As far as I know there is no www site for this book, so I give some data here:
The American Darts Organization Book of Darts
by Chris Carey
paperback, 110 pages